Bayes’ theorem

Bayes is the originator of the famous statistics. Bayesian statistics is a theory in the field of statistics that is based on the Bayesian interpretation of probability, where probability represents the degree of belief in an event. Bayesian network, also known as belief network or directed acyclic graph model, is a probabilistic graph model, which can know the properties of a group of random variables and their n groups of conditional probability distribution by means of a directed acyclic graph.

Technical protocol

BDCP: Bayes Decentralized Computation Protocol Source: Bayesian Institute (Long Beach, CA) Bayesian Decentralized Computing Protocol (BDCP) – Summary Bayesian Decentralized Computing Network Protocol (BDCP), which is a protocol designed to build decentr


Bayesian Global AI Supercomputing Platform Rooted in California, USA, and Based on the Republic of El Salvador Derived from the Bayesian Decentralized Computing Network Protocol (BDCP) Empowering WEB3.0 & Metaverse Ecosystem Creation


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Bayesian Global AI Supercomputing Platform Rooted in California, USA, and Based on the Republic of El Salvador Derived from the Bayesian Decentralized Computing Network Protocol (BDCP) Empowering WEB3.0 & Metaverse Ecosystem Creation